GAINS Residential Learning Community

The GAINS (Growing Alliances in STEM) Mentoring Program seeks to provide community, academic support, and professional development for students of color in STEM.

GAINS is a community made up of first year and upperclassman students who are majoring in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). This community focuses on students who are in these degree areas and students of color.

Components of this community will include mentor support, career workshops, guest speakers, and faculty and peer connections. Students work in small groups with a peer mentor who is a junior or a senior, as well as with a faculty member. Professionals in STEM fields are invited to share their experiences with participants and to become part of a network of mentors.

Join our community

This community will live in Bob Barker Suites.

While living together on the same floor, students will also be invited to participate in unique programs focused on their career fields, supporting their identity, and relationship building with each other, faculty, and alumni mentors. 

Dr. Evan Reynolds is the dedicated Faculty Fellow assigned to this RLC.


  • Live with classmates passionate about the same academic interests.
  • Develop relationships with fellow students, a Community Mentor and a Faculty Fellow.
  • Explore career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.
  • Strengthen personal and professional leadership skills
  • Students will learn how to develop a network of peers and mentors through connections with other students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members who share in the passion for STEM.


  • Meals with your Faculty Fellow
  • Social events
  • Built-in study sessions for common courses among students
  • Excursion to Science Museum in Raleigh, NC
  • Career exploration in STEM related professional fields
  • Opportunities to engage with upperclassman STEM major students


GAINS Community is open to first-year students and upperclassman students

  • Students who are majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields

If you have additional questions about this process or the RLC in general, please email  or call the Residence Life and Housing Office at (910) 893-1546