Beginning your academic year can bring it’s challenges, one being unsure if you are in the right major and pursuing the right career path. We offer resources for you to explore who are you and what career paths align with your personality, values, and passions. Below are a few resources to assist you in learning more about yourself and which career paths could be a good fit for you.
We recommend you met with your advisor to further the discussion and review your assessment results.
TypeFocus is an assessment tool designed to help you to explore your career-related interests, personality and individual strengths and weaknesses and explore potential career matches. If you are interested in taking this assessment, please visit the TypeFocus Website and use the following access code, 352A3232, to create your account.
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center career database, free through Wiggins Memorial Library, provides insight on exploring, planning, and preparing for your future career. By searching through career industries, graduate education opportunities, workplace skills, and more, the Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center database allows for a numerous variety of career-related resources for all students.
Here are the step by step instructions to access the Career Assessment Tool:
- Step 1: Go to library website:
- Step 2: Go to Databases (text under More Research Tools)
- Click on F
- Click on Ferguson’s Career Guidance center
- Step 3: Under Explore Careers section click on Career Assessment
What Can I Do With This Major?
What Can I Do With This Major? is a comprehensive online resource designed to help students connect majors to careers. Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major, as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate. Also included are links to related websites to further research majors and career fields.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a publication of the United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics that includes information about the nature of work, working conditions, training and education, earnings and job outlook for hundreds of different occupations in the United States
O*Net Online
The Occupational Information Network (O*Net Online) is a free online database that contains hundreds of job definitions to help students, job seekers, businesses and workforce development professionals to understand today’s world of work in the United States.
Upcoming Events
In addition to the resources below, check out our events list for information on workshops and programs hosted by Career Services.