Info for Faculty/Staff

Campbell University Counseling Services follows a Stepped Model of Care.  The guiding principle of Stepped Care is to provide services for students with the least restrictive means.  All students meet initially with a therapist or intern for a brief screening in order to determine which counseling resources are the best fit for their presenting concerns.

image of the Stepped Care Model of Care
The Stepped Care Model of Care includes a brief Initial Consultation with a therapist, access to campus resources, a variety of group therapy options, individual one-on-one therapy, and referral to community resources.

Don’t Cancel That Class!

Counseling Services and Student Success have joined together to offer Campbell University faculty a new resource to cover classes for which you are seeking coverage or considering cancellation. Masters level staff are available to cover your  class through a variety of presentations and workshops, making it easy to tailor content to the needs of your class. Requests for class coverage can be made by submitting a request form. Three weeks advanced notice is preferred.

Request a Workshop

If you would like to request that our staff provide a workshop or other outreach event, complete the outreach event / workshop request form.

Referring a Student

Students wanting an initial meeting are advised to call Counseling Services at (910) 814-5709 or to stop by. Our office is located at 233 Leslie Campbell Avenue (beside Memorial Baptist Church and across the street from Luby Wood Residence Hall – get directions).

Emergencies are accommodated as soon as possible.

Counseling Services’ office hours are 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday. Staff typically take a lunch break from 12:00 – 1:15 p.m.

Information About Our Services

Counseling Services offers three types of sessions:

Problem Solving Session

Generally a one-time-only visit to address a very specific problem or decision making dilemma, for which the student feels he or she may need some confidential, professional advice.

Individual Counseling

Counseling is a collaborative process that involves the development of a unique, confidential, working relationship with a Counselor. Individual counseling usually involves meeting as needed for a limited period of time. For students with long-term needs, a referral list of local practitioners is available through Counseling Services.

Group Counseling

We have enhanced our group therapy offerings as requested by students and in congruence with research that group therapy often is the recommended form of treatment for many concerns. There will be no limitations on participation in group therapy. During each fall and spring semester, Counseling Services offers a number of group counseling opportunities for topics related to students’ needs.