
Those whose needs cannot be accommodated within our treatment model will be referred to an outside community provider (at the expense of the student). Such referrals might occur immediately following an intake, or they might occur after some treatment and a further assessment of need has taken place. 

Some examples of clinical concerns that will likely result in a referral to an outside treatment provider include but are not limited to:

  • Individuals with chronic mental health conditions that require long-term, ongoing care
  • Clinical presentations, such as some personality disorders, that indicate short-term therapy may be ineffective and/or detrimental
  • A need or desire to be seen more frequently than Counseling Services can accommodate
  • Chronic suicidality and/or recent history of multiple suicide attempts
  • Severe and chronic self-injury
  • A history of multiple psychiatric hospitalizations
  • Concerns that require a more specialized form of care than can be provided at Counseling Services, including:
    • Significant or chronic disordered eating symptoms
    • Significant or chronic substance use which requires long-term therapy or a higher level of care
  • Court-ordered treatment
  • Psychological testing/assessment
  • Active symptoms of psychosis at risk for progressive deterioration